Voter Information
The Indiana Primary Election is Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Voters in Indiana are not "registered" to a particular political party. Any registered voter may vote in the primary election. However, when voting in the primary, the voter must select either a Democratic Party ballot or a Republican Party ballot and may only vote in the primary election for one party.
The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Use the state’s voter information portal to find a polling place near you.
Voting early in-person is available from for both the Primary Election and the general Elections. Dates and locations are yet to be announced.
Some voters that meet the absentee-by-mail requirements are eligible to cast their ballot by mail in the General Election. In order to vote by mail, you must complete and submit a one-page application before or on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 11:59pm to your County Clerk’s office.
Click here to download the application to vote by mail.
Travel Board
Some voters are eligible to cast their vote through the use of the travel board. The travel board consists of two poll workers, one from each major party. The poll workers bring a ballot to your house; assist you in filling out your ballot, if needed; and return it to election officials to be counted.
You may be eligible to vote through the use of the travel board if you are:
Experiencing illness or injury,
Caring for a person who will be confined at home on Election Day, or
A voter with a disability who’s polling place is not accessible.
In order to vote through the use of the travel board, you must complete and submit a one-page application by noon on Monday, November 4, 2024 to your County Clerk’s office.
Click here to download the application to vote by travel board.
You’ll need to present a government-issued photo ID before you cast a ballot, unless you have a religious objection to being photographed or live in a state-licensed facility that also serves as your polling place, like a nursing home. You can find examples of acceptable photo IDs here. The secretary of state’s website has more information about how to claim photo ID exemption.
Indiana offers three ways to register to vote:
- Online at weall.vote/countusindiana, voters can check their status, update their registration, and register to vote. A valid Indiana driver's license or state issued ID is required to vote.
- To register by mail, printable forms are available at www.IndianaVoters.com and at public libraries. Make sure to mail your registration in as soon as possible. We encourage you to put it in the mailbox at least a week before it's due. You will need a valid Indiana driver's license or state issued ID to vote.
- In-person registration is offered at several locations, including license branches, county election offices, and many other places. A valid Indiana driver’s license or state ID is required to vote.
All voter registrations must be submitted no later than 29 days before the election in which you plan to vote. April 8, 2024 is the last day to register to vote in the primary election. October 7, 2024 is the deadline to register to vote in the 2024 general election.